Monday, April 27, 2009

Overwhelmed? Almost...

I walked in the door and hit the ground running. There were papers to be filed, insurance cards to be had, meetings to attend, teams to be chosen, ministries to be organized, papers to write, 4 books to read (that's just the required reading), scriptures to be memorized, exercise is not optional, journaling daily required, sharing testimonies and recording it 3x weekly, people to meet, wal-mart runs needed, lack of sleep, up at 6am, bed at midnight, accountability partners, house church, learning covenants, tax forms, it took 2 full session to go over the schedule, visions to be journaled, goals to be formulated, and in amongst this mayhem we are supposed to be meeting with the almighty God and seeking his heart for our lives and for the nations.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Just typing this non-exhaustive list of duties exhausts me. There are 230 new people to meet. regional representatives to use as a resource. An extensive library packed with mission books, prayer cards to make, prayer networking to be done, and on and on and on it goes. for days now.

I just want to shout when peace like a river attendeth my soul....
It is so hard to take a deep breath of this farmland air and remember God's calling and his purpose for my time here. Yes, I need to learn, Yes i need to be stretched, but more than all of these duties he is calling for me to sit at the footstool of Jesus, bowed in His throneroom and absorb all of him that I can.

When I arrive in Colombia they will not need my doctrine, they will not want my facts, they will want to look into my eyes and see the love of a father, THE father who created them in his own image. I need to absorb his heart to be my heart so that I will radiate his love to his people.

During a time of testimony a young hispanic girl stood up on friday afternoon. I had already shared of my homesickness and my guilt of not being 100% here in my heart. Many others had shed tears and wept for the things they had left behind and begged God for strength and peace. She quietly walked to the microphone, which she had to tilt down considerably because of her small stature, and she quietly spoke,

"I was not going to share. I am very shy. my name is emily and I am from peru. I have been listening to you all share about what you are leaving behind and how hard it is to leave your family and homes and go to a new place, but i want you to know that a long time ago a baptist missionary came to peru, to my people group, and shared the gospel with my grandmother. Because of the missionary, my grandmother shared with my mother and because of that missionary leaving his family and home to come to my people and tell my grandmother about jesus, I am here. So I know that it is hard to leave your family, but the people you are going to have faces, they have names, and they have families, and you may never see the results of what you are going to do, but their children and grandchildren will hear the story of Jesus because you are willing to go."

Go does not call us to a certain place or people, he calls us to obedience.
I am going to tell someone's grandmother about Jesus soon. I am going to lead a father to a local church where his family will be discipled. I am going to follow God to the nations, because they are not just faces to God. They are his children and they will not hear the gospel if we don't go and tell them.

I have been here for a week almost.
The people here are amazing!
God's presence is in this place.
His people are waiting for us.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie this is Ashley Webster! I just wanted to let you know that I am proud of you & what you are doing!! I know that God is going to use this trip to not only bless so many others but also you! I just finished reading this post and now I need to go find a kleenex to dry my tears. I can't wait to hear all the stories about all the people that you meet, touch, and love. I know you will miss your family and friends but you are making a difference in the kingdom of God! We both know it is worth it for that!! I hope to hear from you soon. I am praying for you! I love you Katie Trent!!
